

Tips for Avoiding Winter Slips, Trips and Falls

Tips for Avoiding Winter Slips, Trips and Falls
Image by Tips for Avoiding Winter Slips, Trips and Falls by Carol Stillman, PT Wintry weather leads to slips and falls and an increase in emergency room visits.  With one snowstorm behind us and another storm on the way, these fall prevention tips would come in handy and help you to stay upright.    Don’t dress to impress! Dress for Traction!  Wear shoes for the weather. Choose shoes, boots or sneakers that have soles with treads with deep grooves...
Posted on 2019-03-02

Physical Therapy: A Healthy Alternative to Opioids for Pain Management

Physical Therapy: A Healthy Alternative to Opioids for Pain Management
     Prescription opioids have provided an easy route for individuals to manage their physical pain for decades. This approach has been steadily growing in popularity since the 1990s, and its potential risks have become increasingly concerning. Since 1999 the amount of sold prescription opioids has quadrupled, as have the deaths associated with them.1 As a result, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a recent guideline stated that many non drug alte...
Posted on 2018-08-27